Is40:26-31 Wait (3/3)
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# WAIT ## Isaiah 40:26-31 --- # How do I **wait** on the Lord? [###](#/outline "secret") >>> + waiting is not easy + for school to let out + to grow up, independent from parents + for a mate / marriage + for God to answer prayer + for God's justice to judge wrongs --- [26](# "ref") Lift up your eyes and look to the **heavens**:
Who **created** all these? He who brings out the **starry host** one by one
and **calls forth** each of them by name. Because of his great **power**
and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing. [Isaiah 40:26 (NIV) (p.1/5)](# "ref") --- [27](# "ref") Why do you **complain**, Jacob?
Why do you say, Israel, “My way is **hidden** from the Lord;
my cause is **disregarded** by my God”? [Isaiah 40:27 (NIV) (p.2/5)](# "ref") --- [28](# "ref") Do you not know?
Have you not heard? The Lord is the **everlasting** God,
the **Creator** of the ends of the earth. He will not grow **tired** or weary,
and his **understanding** no one can fathom. [Isaiah 40:28 (NIV) (p.3/5)](# "ref") --- [29](# "ref") He gives **strength** to the weary
and increases the **power** of the weak. [30](# "ref") Even **youths** grow tired and weary,
and young men **stumble** and fall; [Isaiah 40:29-30 (NIV) (p.4/5)](# "ref") --- [31](# "ref") but those who **hope** in the Lord
will **renew** their strength. They will **soar** on wings like eagles;
they will **run** and not grow weary,
they will **walk** and not be faint. [Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) (p.5/5)](# "ref") --- ## WAIT [(Is40:26-31)](# "ref") 1. **Eyes** [(v26)](# "ref") 1. **Heart** [(v27)](# "ref") 1. **Mind** [(v28-29)](# "ref") 1. **Wings** [(v30-31)](# "ref") >>> + eyes up: creation ⇒ creator + heart humble: God hears + mind obedient: God's justice + wings open: soar in God's grace + boast in own weakness --- Lift up your **eyes** and look to the **heavens**:
Who **created** all these? [Isaiah 40:26 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + creation points to **creator** + **science** is Godly: + Kepler: merely thinking God's thoughts after Him + Ps19 (devo): --- The **heavens** declare the **glory** of God;
the **skies** proclaim the **work** of His hands. [Psalm 19:1 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **speech** of the skies + **declare**: for purpose of being known + skies want to **tell** us: + are we **listening**? --- He who brings out the **starry host** one by one
and **calls forth** each of them by name. Because of his great **power**
and mighty strength,
not one of them is **missing**. [Isaiah 40:26 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + calls by **name**: indiv **care** + none **missing**: cf sheep + ⇒ **character** of God --- # What does the **sky** teach me about God? >>> + science, created world ⇒ **Creator** + **power** + strength + personal **care**: by name, none missing --- ## WAIT [(Is40:26-31)](# "ref") 1. Eyes [(v26)](# "ref") 1. **Heart** [(v27)](# "ref") 1. Mind [(v28-29)](# "ref") 1. Wings [(v30-31)](# "ref") >>> + humble **perspective** + God **cares** for the stars + **heart** humble: + trust God cares for **me** --- Why do you **complain**, Jacob?
Why do you say, Israel, “My way is **hidden** from the Lord;
my cause is **disregarded** by my God”? [Isaiah 40:27 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **way**: road, journey of life + **cause**: (plea for) justice + **hidden**: concealed, unnoticed + **disregard**: passes through/over + feel **ignored** ⇒ assume God doesn't **see** + ⇒ **oppress** others: --- They pour out **arrogant** words; [...]
They slay the **widow** and the **foreigner**;
they murder the **fatherless**. They say, "The LORD does not **see**;
The God of Jacob takes no **notice**." [Psalm 94:4-7 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + doubt God's **power** or **love**: + either God is **unable** to see, + or He doesn't **care** + oppress the **powerless**: + widow, alien, orphan --- # Have I ever felt **ignored** by God? >>> + long-term unanswered **prayer** + how does it affect my **heart**? + **faith** / trust in God? --- ## WAIT [(Is40:26-31)](# "ref") 1. Eyes [(v26)](# "ref") 1. Heart [(v27)](# "ref") 1. **Mind** [(v28-29)](# "ref") 1. Wings [(v30-31)](# "ref") >>> + eyes up: creation ⇒ **might** + **care** + heart humble: God **hears** us + mind **obedient**: + submit to God's **justice** --- Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the **everlasting** God,
the **Creator** of the ends of the earth. [Isaiah 40:28 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + If God does not **answer** my prayer, + not because He doesn't **hear**: --- Does He who fashioned the **ear** not hear?
Does He who formed the **eye** not see? Does He who **disciplines** nations
not **punish**?
Does He who **teaches** mankind
lack **knowledge**? [Psalm 94:9-10 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + authority as **Creator** + awareness, judgment, wisdom --- Surely the **arm** of the LORD
is not too **short** to save,
nor His **ear** too **dull** to hear. But your **iniquities** have
**separated** you from your God;
your **sins** have **hidden**
His face from you. [Isaiah 59:1-2 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + not God's **fault** for not answering + but my own **sin** + as I **repent** + God has abundant **strength** to give: --- He will not grow **tired** or weary,
and his **understanding** no one can fathom. [29](# "ref") He gives **strength** to the weary
and increases the **power** of the weak. [Isaiah 40:28-29 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **strength** for the weary + **wisdom** for those lacking + seems **foolish** to the world + but is **wiser** than world's wisdom --- Oh, the depth of the **riches**
of the **wisdom** and knowledge of God! How **unsearchable** his judgments,
and his paths beyond **tracing** out! [...] [36](# "ref") For **from** him and **through** him
and **for** him are all things. [Romans 11:33,36 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + (v32): God's plan of **salvation**: + bound all to **disobedience** + that may have **mercy** on all --- # Have I **questioned** God's judgment? >>> + grand **equaliser**: + churched/non-churched, family Chr/non + CAN/TW/other + rich/poor, edu/not + all are enslaved to **sin** + God extends **mercy** to all --- ## WAIT [(Is40:26-31)](# "ref") 1. Eyes [(v26)](# "ref") 1. Heart [(v27)](# "ref") 1. Mind [(v28-29)](# "ref") 1. **Wings** [(v30-31)](# "ref") >>> + eyes up: creation ⇒ creator + heart humble: God hears + mind obedient: God's justice + wings open: soar in God's grace + boast in own weakness --- Even **youths** grow tired and weary,
and young men **stumble** and fall; [Isaiah 40:30 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + trusting in own strength + youth is fleeting + **stumble**: unexpected tragedy + no way to **prepare** for all events --- but those who **hope** in the Lord
will **renew** their strength. They will **soar** on wings like eagles;
they will **run** and not grow weary,
they will **walk** and not be faint. [Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **hope**: wait, eager expectation + soar, not **flap** + boast in own **weakness** + that God's **power** may be known --- But God chose the **foolish** things
of the world to shame the **wise**; God chose the **weak** things
of the world to shame the **strong** [...], [29](# "ref") so that **no one** may **boast** before him. [1 Corinthians 1:27,29 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + world thinks us **fools** for Christ + e.g., software co: honest vs pirates --- He said to me, “My **grace** is sufficient for you,
for my **power** is made perfect in **weakness**.” Therefore I will **boast** all the more gladly
about my **weaknesses**, so that **Christ’s power** may rest on me. [2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)](# "ref") --- # Do I **flap** in my own strength # or **soar** in
God's grace? --- but those who **hope** in the Lord
will **renew** their strength. They will **soar** on wings like eagles;
they will **run** and not grow weary,
they will **walk** and not be faint. [Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)](# "ref") ---